Blog Installation Instructions

Thank you for purchasing ready made blogs from our stores The Digital Mart , Digi Nook, Expert 108.Hope you will enjoy your journey to build your online business empire. we eould love to hear from you, please feel free to contact us at contact us.

  1. Very Important: First and very important thing to do: open your cpanel and click on php configuration. You will discover it as an icon with “php configuration” written under it or as an option within your advance setting, depending on the cPanel setup provided by your hosting provider. Set php configuration to 7.3 or 7.4. If it is anything above that, set it back to 7.3 or 7.4 and then click update. Then follow the following steps mentioned below.
  2. Upload the “backup file” and “importbuddy.php” (located under the “Files to Upload” folder) to the root web directory of the destination server. Do not install WordPress on the destination server. The importbuddy.php script will restore all files, including WordPress.
  3. Create a mySQL database on the destination server.
  4. Then open your browser (Google Chrome) and go to Note that has to be your domain or subdomain/subfolder on which you want to install the site.
  5. Follow the importing instructions on the screen. You will be asked whether you are restoring or migrating, so choose “restore.” You will also be asked for the Backup Buddy password; provide the Backup Buddy installation password and follow the steps ahead.
  6. After your website becomes live, go to or (replace with your actual domain name). Login with the details provided, then in the dashboard, first update WordPress to the latest version. In the plugins section, deactivate the Backup Buddy plugin. Then, go to themes and update the nichebarn main theme if an update version is available. Update it but don’t activate it; let the child theme remain active.
  7. If you wish, you can reset the PHP configuration back to whichever PHP version you need as per your requirement, or if you don’t need it, just leave it as you like.
  8. Now you are good to go in the dashboard and do any customization by going to “Appearance” → “Customizer.” There you can do all sorts of customization as per your needs and style requirements. If after updating the theme you see some icons showing as square boxes, don’t worry; it is due to your hosting holding the old theme styles CSS as cache and not clearing it immediately. It will get cleared as per your hosting provider’s setup sooner in a few hours. Alternatively, you can contact them and ask them to clear the hosting cache for style CSS.


  1. After you log in with the username and password above, you can go to Users → Add New and create a new username such as your personal name, or whatever you like. You should ALSO change the password.Be sure to select “Administrator” at the Role dropdown section (at the bottom).Log back in, this time with your NEW username/password.Go to Users, and DELETE the User “admin” (admin that was used to originally log in – see above).When WordPress asks, be sure to attribute all posts from admin (the one you are deleting) to your new name [this is very important or you’ll lose your posts/pages!]
  2. Go to Users and click “Edit” for the admin (should be the only user there).Give it a new password, something difficult to guess. You can use a password generator like and select 14 characters for the length.ALWAYS write down your new username and password in a notepad file (or similar) and save it in a folder on your desktop for future reference.Click “Update Profile.”Logout.Log back in again with username: admin / password: (your new hard-to-guess password)

Instant installation Guide for Experienced and Advanced WordPress Users

If you are familiar with installing WordPress using Backupbuddy, here’s a quick installation guide:

1. Create a MySQL database.

2. Upload the backup file and the importbuddy script on the root folder of your domain/subdomain. The backup file and the importbuddy script is found under the “Files to Upload” folder which is included with the blog package you downloaded from

3. Run the installation script on your browser by typing this url format: Example:

4. Enter the default ImportBuddy password then simply follow the on-screen prompts. That’s it. The whole installation process can be done in less than minutes depending on your internet speed.

NOTE: The ImportBuddy password is found in the notepad file called “Login Details“. The default blog admin username and password is also included in that file.